Sep 3, 2021 | News & Updates

CEI Seeking Youth Advisory Group Members to Support Development of Youth Engagement Framework.

Calling all Nova Scotia youth aged 18 to 34!

The Centre for Employment Innovation (CEI) is working on a provincial Youth Engagement Framework (YEF) to help employers, organizations, and service providers better support and serve the interests of Nova Scotia youth aged 18-34. To ensure we are accurately representing the true experiences and hopes of young people, we’re forming a Youth Advisory Group β€” and we want you to be part of it!

The YEF project will focus on gathering the first-hand experiences and interests of young people and consolidating them into a practical, informative, and accessible platform that those who work with youth can use to inform and improve their own practices. Use of the framework will, we hope, encourage organizations to employ a greater number of young people, and appreciate the unique talents and viewpoints that young people can offer.Β 

Members will serve on the Youth Advisory Group for the duration of the design and implementation of the framework (September 2021 – July 2022), and will meet virtually a minimum of once every 2-3 months for 1-3 hours per meeting. Members will also be expected to complete some work on their own time (estimated at 1-3 hours per month), which may include assisting with the dissemination of calls for participants, responding to emails or other communications, and helping to create content for the framework. Youth Advisory Group members will also have the option of receiving an honorarium for their participation.

Apply today and help us shape the future of youth engagement in Nova Scotia for you, your peers, and generations of youth to come!