Coady Institute and the Centre for Employment Innovation are reviving the tradition of kitchen table meetings through a series of online discussions on the Future of Work and Workers. Please see below for details on our next session in the series ‘A Kitchen Table Dialogue on the Future of Work and Workers: A Conversation with Rudy Karsan‘.
December 2, 2020 – 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM AST
Atlantic Standard Time (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) – don’t forget to check your local time zone!
This webinar is the tenth in a series exploring some of the key forces that are redefining work as we know it today.
Rudy Karsan founded Kenexa in 1987 and built it into one of the world’s most successful technology-based Human Resource Management companies. He sold Kenexa to IBM in 2012 for a record $1.3 Billion.
Drawing on his 30 years’ experience and his New York Times best-selling book, Rudy will share his reflections on the complex employee-employer dynamic and what he believes motivates people. Through his current investment lens at Karlani Capital, Rudy will also share insights on how he sees the future of work and the broader economic ecosystem evolving.
This a COMPLIMENTARY webinar and all are welcome.
Please join us for what promises to be an inspiring conversation!