2022 Nova Scotia Career and Employment Student Symposium

A virtual event featuring research presentations by post-secondary students from across Nova Scotia whose research or summer employment connects to career development, employment, and labour.


About the Event

The Centre for Employment Innovation (CEI) is currently seeking submissions from post-secondary students who wish to present at the upcoming 2022 Nova Scotia Career and Employment Student Symposium.

This research symposium will be held virtually from August 16-17, 2022, and is composed of presentations from post-secondary summer student interns from across Nova Scotia. The symposium will highlight research and emerging best practices of students working in the career development, employment, and labour field.

All presentations must also be connected to and showcase research and/or best practices occurring or experienced over the duration of May-August 2022.

The symposium is open to:

1. Current post-secondary students or 2022 post-secondary graduates in Nova Scotia conducting research related to career development, employment, and labour.
2. Current post-secondary students or 2022 post-secondary graduates holding summer employment in Nova Scotia in the field of career development, employment, and labour during the period of May-August 2022.

Students will have the opportunity to connect with others doing similar work across the province, and learn from each other’s research and experiences. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to develop and practice presentation skills, present to a larger audience, and learn about the process of presenting at academic conferences.

Submissions Timing:

The 2022 Nova Scotia Career and Employment Student Symposium submissions form will be opened on June 8, 2022. Submissions will be accepted until 5pm on July 5, 2022.

The Student Symposium planning team looks forward to receiving your submission, and will be in contact with you soon to discuss your idea further!

For more information, please email our co-chairs Addy Strickland (astrickl@stfx.ca) -or- Hannah James (x2019bpl@stfx.ca).







