A Kitchen Table Dialogue on the Future of Work and Workers

Presented by: Centre for Employment Innovation and Coady Institute


March 1938 – A kitchen table gathering in Reserve Mines, Cape Breton.

The pioneers of the Antigonish Movement traveled to rural communities bringing education to workers through community meetings and small gatherings often around the kitchen table. Just as StFX Extension pioneered a people’s movement through Kitchen Table meetings, Coady Institute and the Centre for Employment Innovation are reviving these Kitchen Table meetings through a series of online discussions on the Future of Work and Workers so that we may collectively learn from each other.





COVID-19 and Current Impacts

Coady Institute’s Director of Social Innovation Jaime Smith, Senior Program Staff member Yogesh Ghore and panelists explore what is possible when workers and communities are at the centre of creating emergent policy and practice in the context of COVID-19.



Towards a Just Transition: Role of Non-Profits & Social Enterprises in Promoting Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

As communities begin to deal with the impact of technological advancements on the Future of Work, there is strong data that indicates that those who are already marginalized will be impacted disproportionately.



The Impact of Technology on the Non-Profit Sector

Continuous advancements in technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and block chain, as well as the innovation and creativity in how these technologies can be applied to address different challenges, provide non-profit workers around the world with new tools and capabilities to help address the multi-faceted and complex social, economic, and environmental challenges they face.



Reflections and Insights from the Canadian Labour Movement

This webinar is the fourth in a recently launched series of facilitated discussions exploring some of the key themes that are redefining work as we know it today. Focusing on the context in Nova Scotia in particular and integrating the broader Canadian perspective, issues that will be explored include the role of precarious workers, implications of a green / decarbonised economy for jobs and workers, a worker-centered response to new and emerging technologies, and the future of organized labour.