Enhanced Direct Entry Carpentry Program Celebration

On May 25th, more than 40 people gathered at the Wagmatcook Learning Centre to celebrate the Enhanced Direct Entry Carpentry Program (click here for image gallery).

This initiative is led by the Mi’kmaw Economic Benefits Office with support from the Centre for Employment Innovation, Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency, Nova Scotia Community College, Department of Labour and Advanced Education, Mi’kmaq Employment Training Secretariat and Cape Breton First Nation communities.

The New Opportunities for Work program, facilitated by the Centre for Employment Innovation, supports the first two work terms of the program and some of the required training and supports for the apprentices, as well as employer training for diverse and inclusive workplaces.

To learn more about the Enhanced Direct Entry Carpentry Program, check out the full news release from the Department of Labour and Advanced Education or this article from the Cape Breton Post.