Alfred Burgesson, the Centre for Employment Innovation’s Engagement and Impact Coordinator and a member of the Prime Minister’s Youth Council saw an opportunity in the national youth ecosystem.

“There are many tables, but all the tables have closed doors,” Alfred says. “I wanted to be a part of creating something that informs young people who aren’t privileged enough to be at the table, and to give them a voice.”

COVID-19 brought us a unique challenge, that requires the ideas and leadership of all people, that includes young people.

The purpose of the CAN Youth Network is to enable the voices, ideas, and actions of youth across Canada.

“COVID-19 brought us a unique challenge, that requires the ideas and leadership of all people, that includes young people,” Alfred says.

The mission is to provide a platform that unites the diversity of Canadian youth (aged 15-30), facilitates community and collaboration amongst youth and organizations, and provides accessible resources and opportunities for all youth.

The first CAN Youth Network National Youth Webinar featured Coronavirus facts and Mental Health supports for young people.

“It has been a success, we had over 13 thousand views, and we are really looking forward to hosting more conversations on topics youth care about.”

To learn more about the initiative and events, go to CAN Youth Network’s Facebook Page.